The Sun Rises

in the Philippines.

Today was the aftermath of the whole monsoon disaster that recently happened in our country. For the first time in a long time, the sun woke me up today. It felt really good to feel the heat again. This doesn’t mean that everything is back to normal because it’s not. Please continue to #PrayforthePhilippines. A while ago, my friends and I took a stroll in the streets of the Fort. Here are some of the shots that we took:

 Topman Polo, Topman Skinny Chinos, Kenneth Cole watch, Zara Shoes
This is probably my first time to experiment primary colors together. Most of us are scared to admit that we fear matching colors in a wrong way, and that leads us to go for a monochromatic look or the usage of black and white. My friend showed me an article talking about a fool proof guide in matching colors. I decided to use the guide today. Tell me what you guys think about it. I will be coming up with a post about the color matching guide soon. 

 I took some shots with my close friend Gianne Dilay. Check out her blog:

Gianne Dilay and Nikki Ralota

It was good to catch up with these two. We’re going to meet up with the rest of the gang later to chill since we still don’t have classes tomorrow. After all the gloominess comes a bright day. Don’t waste the opportunity to do what you’ve been wanting to do.

Thank you guys!


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