I made it to Paris.
I made it. . . It took a long time for me to accept that I was here. It took a longer time for me to write about it. Even if there are a lot of other stories and descriptions about Paris, I am still writing my own for everyone else to read.And I hope to write even more. I've been thinking about how to compose this post, and I find it quite difficult because there are just a lot of things to be said. I believe that each person has a different way of approaching this city, you just have to be sort of in the middle to have the "Paris" of your dreams.I'm glad I've learned it while I still have time to spare in this amazing European city. What I mean is, let go and take your time .Don't get burned out. Spend some time getting lost without the help of maps or your smartphone, but of course, keep your earphones plugged to get into the vibe. Don't be in a hurry to see everything in a matter of hours, that's what I did at first and it was very exh...