Keep Calm And Suit Up

7:00PM (Time to get ready to go out) 
 Topman Suit, Shirt from Malaysia, 21MEN jeans, Topman Shoes

Keep Calm and Suit Up

Have you ever had those random nights that turned out to be one of the best nights ever? I guess not putting too much expectations about something wont disappoint you at all.
The weather here in Manila has been nothing but crazy, which makes the temperature go down at night or sometimes even during the day.

With all this crazy weather going on, it’s the perfect time to wear a suit without getting all sweaty. I also use the suit as a shield from the unpredictable rain showers since I hate bringing umbrellas.

When I go out on an unplanned night, I usually spot on a vintage shirt, skinny jeans and plimsolls but adding a suit to it makes it look a bit formal but at the same time it makes you appear to be loosened up and game for any adventure. If you are not used to wearing a suit, that’s normal because it takes time for your body to adjust to it, I cant prove why though but Im sure it’s normally like that.

Oh and incase if you are looking for a place to buy awesome Tees, there are a lot of vintage tees that have reasonable prices in 21MEN, HE by Mango, Topman, Zara. The less expensive among all the things I have mentioned is 21MEN.

P.S. Topman and Topshop has marked down most of their prices to 50% off on selected items until July 29,2012. They have a lot of good skinny chinos, shoes, shorts and other pieces that are mostly for spring, but who cares? we don’t have spring in our country, so head to the malls now and check it out yourself. 

Thank You.


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